
Parts of a katana sageo
Parts of a katana sageo

This small part allows to tie the Sageo which will be then hung on the belt of the practitioner. This scabbard is usually made of lacquered wood with various patterns and colors. It is therefore very easy to draw the blade, but its size is also perfect for holding the Katana without it falling out. This scabbard is designed to draw the blade as quickly as possible. Even if this part is not visible at first sight it is actually very important for the strength so that the steel does not break during a cut.

parts of a katana sageo

This hidden part reveals many things like the signature of the master smith for example. It is the part that continues from the blade under the handle. This bo-hi throat is also useful for the sound, because it allows to know if the cut is good at the sound of the wind, which is rather satisfactory. The Bo-Hi is a line carved inside the blade of the Katana that allows to reduce the weight of the blade, but also to adjust the balance point of the sword. It is important to have a blade that lasts over time and can withstand many cuts. The sharpening of this part as well as the hardening and the steels used will determine the quality of the edge, but also its rigidity and solidity. It is this part that is usually hardened with the Hamon in the traditional way. The Kissaki tip varies between Katanas, it can be larger or smaller. This tip separates the rest of the Katana blade from the Yokote.

parts of a katana sageo

The Kissaki is the tip of the Katana as shown in the picture above. Almost all Katanas have this feature, there are some exceptions with Katanas without Yokote where the blade is continuous along the whole length.

parts of a katana sageo

The Yokote defines what separates the blade from the Kissaki. It is as important as the rest of the blade and reveals the Boshi. The polishing of this point can take a long time, as it is very important. This part refers to the hardening line of the Hamon which extends to the tip (Kissaki) of the Katana. This Hamon does not have a 100% success rate and this affects the price of high-end blades E. We coat part of the blade with a clay mixture that we will heat and temper, the part with the clay will cool much faster and will be more rigid and sharp. The Hamon is the line of tempering that demarcates the most rigid and sharp part of the blade with the other, more flexible part. The flat section of the blade is therefore called Shinogi-Ji. The Shinogi is the part from the edge of the blade to the line that determines the flat of the blade. These two Japanese terms are complementary. This curvature can vary according to the katana and has several names depending on the intensity of the curvature. The Sori measures the curvature of the blade. It is found by measuring in a straight line from the notch at the back of the habaki, called Munemachi, to the tip of the blade, as shown in the illustration above.

parts of a katana sageo

The Nagasa of the Katana refers to the length of the blade. This is the most important part and the most detailed, it is also this part which represents 50% of the price, because the forging is technical and the steels are varied. 👉 You can click that each title corresponding to the part of the nomenclature of the Katana in order to reach more details about it. In the world of the Katana it is important to know the vocabulary of this one, because it is only Japanese words that are used! But don't worry, this page will help you find your way more easily, in addition to making you learn some Japanese words !

Parts of a katana sageo